In between..

As of writing this, I'm involved in a hundred different things. Here are a few samples:
1) Creating a website for my college CSI chapter
2) Downloading a 693 Mb(!) File of the knoppix distro
3) Petting the cat sitting on my lap (for some reason he likes to stare at the screen)
4) Listening to music
5) Trying to catch on to what's happening on the Television.
6) Mental thoughts on how tommorrow is going to be...
And in between all of this, I find time to write this. What can I say? I amaze even myself. Seems only yesterday that I was fiddling around the net for almost the whole day, but that was my vacation and that was 1.5 months ago. Now-a-days, its back to the same old routine of going to college, goofing off, coming back and goofing off. But that's life and that's how its for me and so many others in the enggineering stream.
Started off today by starting to build the sites main page, there are a thousand ideas in my head - ideas that seem to float, which seem absurd at times and at times interesting - with each progression in the site format , another idea takes root. The ideas mix, swirl and intwine into a great ball of nothingness which hurts my headmeat (brain). So I decided to take a break and write this. Anyways, got to get back to work... Adios...

Mithun Kotian, India